Friday, May 22, 2020

If you give a dyke a drill

I apologize in advance to the wonderful author, Laura Numeroff, who has supplied hours of entertainment to our daughter, for the following post.

If you give a dyke a drill...

She's going to want to build something.
She'll decide to build a garden.

She'll realize she doesn't really know what she's doing.
She'll ask to search for a DIY video.

When you let her watch the video, she'll realize she's going to need more tools.
She'll ask to go shopping.

Since there's a global pandemic, she'll have to shop online.  
She'll ask her wife to help her since her wife is a pro at online shopping. 
Her wife will buy some tools and a few other things for herself.
She'll pay for expedited shipping.

All that online shopping will make them hungry.
The dyke will be tired of constantly cooking because of the pandemic,
so she'll choose to make something quick.
She'll decide they want a really nice salad.

She'll go to the fridge to get ingredients.
The refrigerator will be filled with alcohol, condiments, and butter.

She'll have a few drinks.
She'll get buzzed.
She'll remember she didn't have anything to eat yet.
She'll look in the freezer to see what she has.
It's filled with novelty ice cream.
She'll eat one...or six

She'll feel a little sick.
She'll make a promise to start eating better tomorrow.
She'll decide to build a garden to grow her own food.

And, chances are, when she decides to build a garden,
she's going to want a drill.