To the left of your screen, you can see the first internet pictures of the squatter living in my uterus. This picture was taken at our 18 week level 2 ultrasound where they can essentially see EVERYTHING. When I say everything, I mean they could see the various lobes and ventricles in the brain, the spine, the kidneys, the bladder, all the bones, the lips, etc. Essentially, the purpose of this appointment is to make sure that everything is developing as it should and to identify any issues that may be present. So, this picture that you see was taken at the very beginning of the appointment while this little person (gender to remain a mystery until it pokes its bottom half out of my womanly parts, but for purposes of conversation, we shall call it "he") was laying on his back. So, the tech was chatting and measuring bone length, checking brain development, eye sockets, etc. when he suddenly decides to roll over. Oh, how cute. Sure, but now, we can't get a good shot of his heart b/c his spine is casting a shadow over the area they need to examine. So, the tech, being a very patient woman, decides she will do all of her other measurements first and then come back to the heart. Now, his hands are going and his legs are going, but he's not really feeling like rolling over again, so the tech decides to call in a doctor to see if the doctor can get him to be more cooperative. Great, my kid is already being oppositional. So, the doc comes in and starts tapping my belly a bit. Nothing. So, he taps a bit harder. Nothing. So, now he decides he really needs to demonstrate what he has been doing with his gym membership and starts using my belly as his own personal puching bag to get the kid to roll over...and...VOILA!! The kid sticks his ass in the air, essentially mooning the doc, and goes back to laying on his belly. With that, the doc realizes he is not going to get my underdeveloped child to cooperative and my child has successfully won his first power struggle with an adult. If this is a sign of things to come, God help us all.
Thank you for updating your blog. I had a short stint in detox to ween me off of checking your blog site for a new entry. Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you're ever wondering if anyone reads, know the answer is that MacAffrey looks forward to it! Hope you're feeling okay and that Pitchfork Man takes a vacay so you can enjoy all the fried fair foods you could possibly cram into yourself. I must say that the deep fried Oreo is a favorite of mine, as well as the funnel cake....mmmmmmm....wish there was a fair going on right this moment so I can go get me some!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kathy! Thanks for posting!!! The lil' one is adorable already!
ReplyDeleteHey Madrinha!!!! Congrats to you and Nicole on the baby...and im sure you have heard but Mike and I are pregnant too! Seems like everyone is baby booming huh? I love your blogs, they're very funny to read. Also very interesting because it's got some cool medical info in it, too.(WHICH I LOVE) Keep it up, it's like my new book hehe!!! I can kinda empathize with you with the stomach problems. I feel like all I have consistantly gotten everyday from this "experience" is stomach problems, so from the bottom of my digestive tract...(Gastro humor haha) I wish you better and do hope you skip the curse!!! Love you and miss you!
ReplyDeletelove the picture! i too was like Kathy, i had to take a time out from checking the blog daily to see if you posted anything recently...the best part of this is, that when i read it, i can totally picture the look on your face as though you are standing in frot of me! love it, can't wait to find a time to meet up with you and nicole! love you both!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing the way we can share our lifes moments with those who truly care. Me, at 51, is almost wishing that I was pregnant right along side you three (I said "almost"). Every night before I go into la-la land, I think how luky I am to be part of the three little blessings that we all await. You will all be wonderful, loving and devoting parents. Love you all. Isy/Mom