Well, many of you have been asking for the pics of my belly and so here we are. Given the fact that, as mentioned earlier, I am growing larger by the second, I decided to embrace the spread (as much as one can embrace something that large) and incorporated it into my Halloween costume that I used for work today. The only problem I had with this costume was that I was having immense difficulty trying to see if the eyes, etc. were positioned correctly because they were held on with velcro and many children took great joy in plucking the eyes off of my jack-o-lantern, so repositioning was interesting as both pieces of the velcro came off with each pluck.

As you can see from the picture at the right, my stomach sticks way out past my boobs. Wait. I guess that's not a totally new thing for me, but at least now I have a reason for my stomach to stick farther out. Wait. Forget I said that. That could be embarrassing.
And, with this final picture on the left, you see me holding up the bottom of the squatters current digs. That is a position I have become quite familiar with for a couple of reasons. First, while my abdominal muscles (as pathetic as they are) are working to keep this high rise up near the boob region, gravity has other thoughts. In order to address that, my maternity pants, the ones that fit anyway, have the big tummy panel that goes all the way up, again, to my boobs. I swear, I could make those things into body suits if I pulled hard enough. Of course, it might trigger a significant case of camel toe (I'm not explaining that one. If you don't know what I mean, look it up), but it's quite an entertaining visual. No, I will not be posting pictures of me attempting to make this into a body suit. Secondly, I often put may hands in that position, because I am pretty sure that my squatter, during the construction process of putting on the addition to my uterus, has rented a jack hammer and is furiously working to knock out that portion of my body. A couple of times, I actually thought the work was going to knock me off my feet and, no, Sandy, the baby has not yet kicked me in the crotch, although I can hardly wait for that to happen. I think I would enjoy that about as much as being audited.