Friday, January 25, 2013

The South's rebuttal

In response to my last post (Look, Ma!  No hands!), I received some feedback that maybe I was overlooking some of the dysfunction that exists in the Northeastern section of the country.  While I was perhaps a little harsh in my previous entry, please don't think this means that there isn't a fair amount of crazy out this way as well.  We can refer back to my place of employment (You can't make this stuff up) to realize that crazy is alive and well. 

*  Man breaks into Subway shop and grabs a bag of chips.  Police found him standing amid the broken glass eating a bag of Sun Chips.  Shockingly, there was pot in his pocket.  Personally, I loved the mug shot that went with the story.  He looked very content.

*  Man buys a danish in a pastry shop and calls police because there are rat droppings on it.  Turns out they were just chocolate sprinkles.  I wonder what dog poop is like in his world.

*  Man crashes car while drinking.  Goes to nearby home, crawls in through open bedroom window, and falls asleep.  I wonder if that bed was just right.

*  Man steals car of Chinese food deliveryman.  He continues delivering the food to collect more money and gets caught at one of his last stops.  While he may not have been very bright, he did demonstrate what being an entrepreneur is all about.

* Man steals car after attacking his victim with...a pillow.  What kind of pillow fights did this guy get into as a kid that he can stun an adult male with a pillow long enough to take the guys keys from his pocket and steal the car?  Glad I never went to any slumber parties with this dude.  His cell mate should sleep with one eye open.

* Hard of hearing man arrested after soliciting prostitute...while inside a Friendly's restaurant.  How long do you think it took other patrons to realize the couple at table 3 were not shouting about what toppings they wanted on their sundaes?

And, my personal favorite:
*  Woman crashes car into her own house after becoming distracted by a bee in her vehicle.  I really, really wish I could have been there for that one.  The images that get conjured in my head are simply spectacular!

Ok, so what do all of these stories tell you?  They tell you crazy lives everywhere...or perhaps it's that stupid lives everywhere.  Whatever.  In any case, CT does have it's share of interesting events, and while it may be cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table up this way, I'd still rather live with the devil I know than the devil I don't.  Especially if he's delivering Chinese food.

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